Press Release NHS Reform - - 2nd February 2011


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NHS Reform Group wishes to outline the status of regulation in relation to nursing staff. In the past, the CHRE outlined the faults within the NMC


The CHRE criticised the NMC for serious weaknesses in its culture, the conduct of its council and ability to protect the interests of the public.

One of our members recently obtained the following statistics in an Freedom of Information Act 2000 request regarding the prosecution rate of the Nursing and Midwifery Council.

2006 = 161 cases referred - outcome NO Registrants struck off.
2007 = 155 cases referred - outcome 1 Registrant struck off.
2008 = 242 cases referred - outcome 5 Registrants struck off.
2009 = 554 cases referred - outcome NO Registrants struck off.
2010 = 779 cases referred - outcome NO Registrants struck off.

Within the same FOI it is noted that there has also been a dramatic increase of  referrals by the police  to the NMC but with NO nurses being struck off.

The Patients Association Report of 2009 produced a media  frenzy about poor nursing standards, with the Chief Nursing Officer, Christine Beasley saying that there would be a purge of 'cruel' nurses:
BUT 18 months on and there hasn't been the promised purge and the nurses who caused so much distress to those cited in the Patients Association Report are still 'nursing'.

Why has Ms. Beasley not followed up her comments: "nurses who offer very poor levels of care should be struck off the medical register and banned from working in the NHS". It is a known fact that the elderly lives are being needlessly lost due to the substandard care of nurses.
We wish to question why this as not been followed up by the Patients

Sadly poor nursing care continues with the revelations in a book by Nurse Joan Woodcocks, who spent her life in the NHS. She exposes the unthinking neglect of patients by some of today's nurses. Her words will shock you, but make a vital contribution to the debate over the NHS's future. Read more:

Our 184 members, including some of those whose relatives were in both the Patients Association Report 2009 and 2010, have complained about the poor. On the strength of their suggestions, NHS Reform recommended that the Health Select Committee review the NHS Complaints Procedure.
This suggestion was taken up. [please see document at the bottom of this page, dated 1/9/10, where Andrew Lansley's Chief of Staff assured us that this, our suggestion, would be brought to the Health Secretary's attention].

NHS Reform and its members were broadly overlooked in the Health Select Committee’s review on the 1st February 2011. This leads us to question whether the HSC is essentially “cherry picking” their evidence. We note that the Patients Association are the government’s choice for the “patients voice”. This is despite heavy criticism into their funding by big pharma and the government.

Our members are extremely angered by the Health Select Committee’s decision to overlook their valid concerns. We conclude that the inquiry into the Complaints procedure is not an Independent one and recommend that the criteria and  procedures concerning selection of witnesses is reviewed by Parliament to ensure equal opportunities to ALL members of the public.

The NHS Reform Group



NHS Reform Group Meeting.

Summary note and follow up.

1st September 2010.



  1. General: Link in policy reform with NHS Reform Group’s drive. Ask for feedback on these consultations:


  1. Patient/public voice. HealthWatch (as set out in the consultation above) – has a statutory right to inspect and to influence the provision of services in a locality. Concerns over independent nature of the new bodies. Regulators (please feed into consultations above, in addition to specifics, see below).


  1. Transparency. Information revolution will be published in the Autumn. We will publishing data and hold providers to account for the treatment they provide (see White Paper reference and info ).


  1. Being open policy. As requested I will find an opportunity in a speech for the Health Secretary to give direction about “being open policy”.


  1. Health Ombudsman. Jenny to find out if Trusts’ letters to the Ombudsman can be released. Ref: Miguel’s difficulty in getting this data, even with FOI. Concerns about cases being rejected by the Health Ombudsman.


  1. Complaints. Simplify the complaints letters at a hospital-level. They are complicated and often opaque. Jenny to liaise with Health Secretary and Stephen Dorrell regarding Health Select Committee review into NHS Complaints (to include whistle-blowing).


  1. Access to records – easing up the system so next of kin get ready access when required.


  1. Nurse Training. Get all nurses out in the wards more as part of training. At the moment it’s too theoretical. Jenny has already mentioned this to Anne Milton who is responsible for this area, and would appreciate the contact details for this lady so she can keep her updated.



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